Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Impact of Nanoparticulates from Traffic Emissions on Viral Lung Infection

Nanoparticle exposure reactivates latent herpesvirus and restores a signature of acute infection (19 page pdf, Christine Sattler, Franco Moritz, Shanze Chen, Beatrix Steer, David Kutschke, Martin Irmler, Johannes Beckers, Oliver Eickelberg, Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin, Heiko Adler and Tobias Stoeger, Particle and Fibre Toxicology, Jan. 10, 2017)

Also discussed here: Nanoparticle exposure can awaken dormant viruses in the lungs (ScienceDaily, Jan. 17, 2017)

Today we review a lab experiment on cells in mice that examined the impact of exposure to nanoparticles (NP). Results indicate that these nanoparticles can “reawaken” latent herpes viruses in the lung by weakening the immune system and allowing viruses to invade the host cell. The researchers would like to examine if these results can be transferred to humans and if so, if exposure to emissions from combustion  and  traffic-
related emissions suggest another serious impact.
  Key Quotes:

"From previous model studies we already knew that the inhalation of nanoparticles has an inflammatory effect and alters the immune system,.. an exposure to nanoparticles can reactivate latent herpes viruses in the lung."

“There are several publications providing evidence that the presence of carbon-based NP has an influence on virus infection in mice or in cells.”

 “If the immune system becomes weakened or if certain conditions change, the viruses become active again, begin to proliferate and destroy the host cell.” “further experiments with human cells demonstrated that Epstein-Barr viruses are also 'awakened' when they come into contact with the nanoparticles.”

“They detected a significant increase in viral proteins, which are only produced with active virus proliferation …Metabolic and gene expression analyses also revealed patterns resembling acute infection,"

 “we show that exposure of latently infected cells or tissues to NP leads to reactivation of latent virus accompanied by an increase in viral proteins and metabolome- and transcriptome-signatures that can also be found in acute virus infection.”

“Many people carry herpes viruses, and patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis are particularly affected…If the results are confirmed in humans, it would be important to investigate the molecular process of the reactivation of latent herpes viruses induced by particle inhalation. Then we could try to influence this pathway therapeutically."

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